As promised I am expanding on my theme of earlier today - online chat rooms and picture swapping, something which I had a little experience of, and was about to get much more.
After the incident described in my last entry I began to become quite obsessed, in a self-centred way, with the anonymous men who were emailing Steve with requests for pictures of me in various poses, wearing various outfits. It's no wonder that Steve was building up quite a following as many of them must have believed they'd hit the mother lode - anything they asked for, Steve mysteriously had in his collection. Wedding dress on and two fingers inside herself? Sure, no problem. Dildo up her ass while she watches herself in a mirror? I think i've got something like that.
Of course, this was all possible because I was fully aware of what was going on and every evening Steve and I would pick the most interesting requests from his mailbox and I would pose for the photo. We started to gauge how arousing some ideas were by how quickly the pictures came back covered in stranger's cum, and just how many strangers "covered" me.
The wedding dress poses were always popular, as was anything in business dress or in a risky or semi-public place. During the height of this little fad we were making probably 10 pictures a week and receiving, literally, hundreds. I was masturbating like crazy - I liked to be fucked while watching the videos of stranger's wanking over my pictures and, after a while, I started looking at them on my own while I fingered myself to orgasm - sometimes waking up at night to pop into the downstairs office to look through the inbox - spreading my legs over the arms of the leather high-backed chair so my wandering fingers could get unfettered access to my wet pussy as I clicked through the filthy pictures and words these men (and occasional woman) had sent to Steve about me.
On one such evening Steve was staying away overnight on business. I had, as had become usual, been looking through cum-covered images of myself, fascinated by the variety in the size and shape of the cocks, and the colour, quantity and consistency of their cum. One set of pictures and videos in particular fascinated me. The sender was one of Steve's favourites, and they were connected on several websites and forums which specialised in these kind of pictures.
His online name was "oldguy66". The thing which captured my attention was the prolific nature of the man - Steve had often commented that he sent the best pictures and videos and was always the first to respond to a new picture. oldguy66 told Steve, at length, that I was his favourite even though he had cum on literally hundreds of other pictures (a quick search at one of the main sites came up with 416 of his pictures) and this explained why Steve could send him a new picture of me and would have the results back within 20 minutes - the guy must literally have been sitting there with his cock in his hand, waiting.
And so to his cock. One normally would go into some estimate of measurements at this stage - the forums and chatrooms are full of people laying claim to 12 inches this and 10 inches that. All I can promise you is that this thing was huge. I have, as you may know, some considerable experience of the male appendage (!) but I have never, ever seen a cock as thick as this man's. In terms of length I would say it to be a little above average. I know that Steve's is 9 inches long and oldguy66 looked comparable, but it's width looked like it wouldn't fit in a whisky tumbler.
As I watched the latest video oldguy66 had sent of himself launching jet after jet of thick, white cum onto my upturned face (wearing a nurse's outfit) and slowly trailed my left forefinger over my clit, I was amazed to see the sheer power with which he came - the veins in his cock were clearly visible as they pulsed, as was upward movement and sharp contraction of the underside of his cock - his balls were out of shot unfortunately but the first, second and third streams of cum shot from the end of his cock like water from a hose, as if released after years of being kept under pressure.
Wanting to see more of the same I clicked on the link to take me to oldguy66's profile on one of the chat and picture swap sites - I wanted to see other pictures he had uploaded.
The link took me straight to the site, and Steve's user details must have been saved because I was logged in as him. Within a few seconds I was getting private messages from other users, asking how I was, where I was - all of them with more or less the same preamble, but all eventually asking the same thing - did I have any new pictures of Jo?
This was new, and intruiging - and arousing. I was trying to decided who to talk to when I noticed that oldguy66 himself was online. I closed the other windows and started to work out how to send him a message - I didn't need to worry as within a few more seconds a chat request from oldguy66 popped up with the greeting "Hi Steve - got anything good for me today?"
I was about to explain that this was, in fact, the object of his pictorial desire speaking, when I suddenly decided not to - just to see where this would go - something told me to hold off revealing my identity for a moment, which sent another shudder of naughtiness through me.
"Hi", I typed. "Nothing new today I'm afraid - Jo is away on buiness for a couple of days".
"Oh", came the reply, "that's a shame - got a big hard on for your wife tonight - I'll have to use one of the old pics instead ;-)".
"Which one?", I asked.
"My favourite - the business suit with the short skirt and the open tailored shirt. Man I could fuck her all day and all night too in that number. When you told me that she was wearing French knickers under it I came all over my self ;-)"
"Ah...yes - the suit..", I typed, "That really does it for you huh? what sort of things would you do to her if you were with her when she was wearing that?"
"Well, I might not actually be able to get near her because my cock would be in the way, lol, but if I did manage to fight past it I'd bend her over, pull that skirt hem up over her ass and fuck her tight pussy so hard till she sucked the cum out of my balls - oh, and I'd leave those knickers on too."
I was getting into seriously turned on territory here. My pussy was aching as I slipped a finger inside myself, leaving my thumb outside to gently circle my clit.
"Any luck with setting something up Steve?", typed oldguy66.
Shit.. erm... "huh?", I replied.
"You were going to (ahem) arrange for Jo and I to meet somewhere...?".
Really? was he now? This was news to me. Exciting news, in a strange, being controlled kind of way.
I thought for a few seconds. Then a very naughty, but deliciously exciting idea started to form in my mind.
"Yeah... about that", I replied, "I'm away for a couple of nights next week, but I thought I would tell Jo it was three nights and come home before she expects me. I will arrange for her to be in a bar on that night - she'll think I'm away for the night, so if you're there and as good as you think you are with the women, you should have no problems. I'll come back while she's out and hide in the house - I don't want to miss this, if it happens.."
I was dazzled by my own cunning. In reality Steve was due away again the following week, for two nights. I was going to go out on the third night when I knew he would be back in the small hours and let this guy pick me up and take him back to ours.. If all went to plan, Steve would walk in on us with his little fantasy scenario in full swing in front of him, while he himself was still trying to figure out how to make it happen.
Usually, Steve would just have said to me, straight out that there was this guy he wanted to see me with, so I could only assume that he had some alterior, or kinky motive for wanting it to look like he had nothing to do with it - I would shortly find that part out.
"Fuck yeah", typed oldguy66, "I'm in.."
Monday, 27 July 2009
Putting my toe back in the water..
If I have any followers left you will realise that I have not updated here for some months now. My reasons for stopping were complicated but I have been encouraged lately to re-awaken the blog (and I have to admit I enjoy doing it, as long as I get some response), in particular by Peter, so thanks for your kind words.
All is not lost as I have kept, as I have done my entire life, a pretty detailed handwritten diary which I will draw upon while I attempt to bring you up to date - I've been a very busy girl in every aspect of my professional and personal pursuits, so lot's of (I hope) interesting news to share.
I'm going to start with online developments. As some of you will know, my husband Steve is a very keen chatroom user, particularly when he is amongst like minds in his "special interest" groups - namely wife sharing, swinging, dogging, voyeurism, troilism - favourite themes around these parts and all subjects which get Steve hot under the collar and tenting his trousers (and me, by extension, dampening my knickers in anticipation).
I have always known that Steve likes to chat about me online, even swapping non-identifiable pictures and the odd home movie - in fact I have been known to sit with him when he has a particularly hot conversation going on - once we experimented with another couple where we all had to do whatever our opposite number said, like a game of "dare", which was great fun and I was made to cum (or made to make myself cum) for hours.
Things escalated in this area when I caught a glimpse on Steve's laptop of a picture of me in my wedding dress, my face obscured but otherwise a full - frontal shot of me pulling up my dress to expose my stockings and garter to the photographer in a well worn traditional pose.
Steve and I don't hide much from each other, so when I asked him about the picture he told me readily, although a little warily.
Steve explained that he had been swapping pictures and video with a man he had met in a specialist community site where the object was to post pictures of your wife or girlfriend so that other men could video or photograph themselves masturbating and coming over them and post them back.
I was a little shocked as this was the first I had heard of this, and apparently Steve had been at it for some weeks and not thought to tell me. As Steve went into more detail I could tell just how excited the whole thing had made him, and how into his new pastime he was. It certainly explained the increased number of sticky hand towels in the wash in recent weeks, and the sudden interest in a new video camera and tripod.
Steve had been a very active participant, to the point where dozens, literally, of men and even some women were sending him pictures begging for him to stroke his cock to them and cover them in his cum. I asked Steve to show me some of the pictures and he started with his own "portfolio" which consisted of maybe 50 photographs and almost as many videos of him wanking over unknown women - some very hot, some not so, most in between - but Steve sent his load flying over all of them. I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about this, after all I had seen Steve's cock buried into plenty of strangers (and a few friends) over the years, and had gasped with delight as he had let his load go over lots of their upturned, expectant faces in real time, so why did I feel a little confused over this? Was it because he hadn't told me? The reality of the situation was that, unbidden, I could feel my nipples start to push against the sheer fabric of my nightgown and the first signs of dampness between my legs as I sat on the arm of the office lounger and listened to Steve explaining the pictures of me he had sent, and got back.
The laptop screen was suddenly showing a large number of thumbnails with 2 things in common - firstly they were all of me, and secondly they were all drenched in cum, stranger's cum. As Steve flicked through them it became clear that many of them also had stranger's cocks in the shot, and some had captured the actual moment of ejaculation. Steve played a couple of videos from one of his favourite correspondents and I watched, transfixed, as the camera panned over 10 or 12 printed colour pictures of me in various poses and outfits - on holiday in a bikini, in the garden in jeans, in my wedding dress (very popular apparently) and some riskier sex stuff. There was a short preamble as a Spanish sounding voice explained to Steve exactly what he would do with me (he called me by name) if he were ever in the same room as me and then the camera pointed down to reveal a cock so fat that the sinewy fist gripping it could not close around it.
I muttered "Jesus.." involuntarily as the Spaniard started to stroke the monster, slowly at first, al the time flicking the camera from his hardening (and lengthening) cock to the array of pictures whch I could now see were arranged under a large glass-top table.
The commentary continued as the now breathless man explained that he was "going to ram my cock into Jo's ass" and commented that I was "such a horny fucking slut".
Steve glanced across at me and I saw a double take as he noticed that my nipples were clearly very erect and my face and neck were flushed. He smiled a knowing little smile and turned the volume up, "watch this bit - it's amazing", he said.
And it was. The Spaniard stopped stroking, and his heavy breathing became obvious in the ensuing quiet as he panned over my pictures. He zoomed in on a bikini shot of my in Italy and explained that it was his favourite and was going to "get his load". Then there was some jerking around of the camera and some fumbling before, to my amazement, a small red vibrator was shown to the lens. The Spaniard twisted the bottom of it and it hummed into life. Obviously well prepared, the picture flew around crazily again as the camera was clipped onto a tripod on the floor, between his legs as he straddled it. The camera was pointing straight up at his massive cock and heavy, pendulous, hairless balls and we had a clear view as his left hand came into the picture, behind his left buttock, the buzzing vibe visible between his fingers. Slowly he parted his ass cheeks and rubbed the tip of the vibe against his asshole, moaning softly to himself and stroking his cock with his right hand. He was speaking in spanish now but I clearly heard my name about every 5th or 6th word as he bent his knees and slowly, slowly, inserted the vibe into his asshole, stroking faster as he did so.
The vibrator was very thin, but still a good 6 inches long. As his fist became a blur on his cock and his balls bounced up and down, his hips bucking to meet his own strokes, at least half of it disappeared into his asshole.
I was mesmerised, glancing down to my left I saw that Steve had a massive erection causing his shorts to bulge impressively upward, stretching the material over his cock.
The Spaniard was bucking and pumping with both hands, sweating, shouting my name. Suddenly he was still - several things happened at once as Steve and I both moaned out loud, almost simultaneously;
The note of the vibe changed as he pushed the entire remaining length fully into his asshole - so far that it wasn't visible any more, his legs locked and shook and his balls, well, it's hard to describe, but they travelled slowly upward together, the chord between them visible as they squeezed upward - literally forcing the cum out of his cock. And the cum -Christ the cum.. The process was repeated as stream after stream of it flew from his cock, thick, white. A little fell toward the camera but most of it was directed at the table above us.
When he stopped coming the only thing audible was all of our heavy breathing - although the Spaniard was panting more than breathing. As he straightened his legs the vibe fell from his now relaxed asshole where it buzzed loudly, unseen, on the floor near the camera.
After a full minute the camera was picked up and the scene on the table top became visible as he slowly panned over the damage he has inflicted to my pictures.
There was cum everywhere - most of the table had got some, but the bikini shot he had nominated was totally covered - my image drenched in his cum.
I dry swallowed as he zoomed in, closing the video by trailing his thick finger (which bore a wedding ring, I noticed) through the white, creamy mess he had deposited over me, his ragged breathing still clearly audible.
Steve immediately started a slideshow of the still pictures he had been sent of me covered in strangers cum, even as I was hiking up my nightdress, dragging his massively engorged cock out of the waistband of his shorts and straddling him, facing the screen as I slid effortlessly down onto his cock - so wet I barely felt him. We fucked watching the slideshow, images of me flicking past as I came and came again on Steve's cock until he eventually grabbed my hips, flung himself hard up into me and let go his own hot load deep inside me.
My interest in chat had been, it is safe to say, re-awakened and was shortly to lead to an amazing real time session with a total stranger, which is the subject I will pursue later today on these pages.
If I have any followers left you will realise that I have not updated here for some months now. My reasons for stopping were complicated but I have been encouraged lately to re-awaken the blog (and I have to admit I enjoy doing it, as long as I get some response), in particular by Peter, so thanks for your kind words.
All is not lost as I have kept, as I have done my entire life, a pretty detailed handwritten diary which I will draw upon while I attempt to bring you up to date - I've been a very busy girl in every aspect of my professional and personal pursuits, so lot's of (I hope) interesting news to share.
I'm going to start with online developments. As some of you will know, my husband Steve is a very keen chatroom user, particularly when he is amongst like minds in his "special interest" groups - namely wife sharing, swinging, dogging, voyeurism, troilism - favourite themes around these parts and all subjects which get Steve hot under the collar and tenting his trousers (and me, by extension, dampening my knickers in anticipation).
I have always known that Steve likes to chat about me online, even swapping non-identifiable pictures and the odd home movie - in fact I have been known to sit with him when he has a particularly hot conversation going on - once we experimented with another couple where we all had to do whatever our opposite number said, like a game of "dare", which was great fun and I was made to cum (or made to make myself cum) for hours.
Things escalated in this area when I caught a glimpse on Steve's laptop of a picture of me in my wedding dress, my face obscured but otherwise a full - frontal shot of me pulling up my dress to expose my stockings and garter to the photographer in a well worn traditional pose.
Steve and I don't hide much from each other, so when I asked him about the picture he told me readily, although a little warily.
Steve explained that he had been swapping pictures and video with a man he had met in a specialist community site where the object was to post pictures of your wife or girlfriend so that other men could video or photograph themselves masturbating and coming over them and post them back.
I was a little shocked as this was the first I had heard of this, and apparently Steve had been at it for some weeks and not thought to tell me. As Steve went into more detail I could tell just how excited the whole thing had made him, and how into his new pastime he was. It certainly explained the increased number of sticky hand towels in the wash in recent weeks, and the sudden interest in a new video camera and tripod.
Steve had been a very active participant, to the point where dozens, literally, of men and even some women were sending him pictures begging for him to stroke his cock to them and cover them in his cum. I asked Steve to show me some of the pictures and he started with his own "portfolio" which consisted of maybe 50 photographs and almost as many videos of him wanking over unknown women - some very hot, some not so, most in between - but Steve sent his load flying over all of them. I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about this, after all I had seen Steve's cock buried into plenty of strangers (and a few friends) over the years, and had gasped with delight as he had let his load go over lots of their upturned, expectant faces in real time, so why did I feel a little confused over this? Was it because he hadn't told me? The reality of the situation was that, unbidden, I could feel my nipples start to push against the sheer fabric of my nightgown and the first signs of dampness between my legs as I sat on the arm of the office lounger and listened to Steve explaining the pictures of me he had sent, and got back.
The laptop screen was suddenly showing a large number of thumbnails with 2 things in common - firstly they were all of me, and secondly they were all drenched in cum, stranger's cum. As Steve flicked through them it became clear that many of them also had stranger's cocks in the shot, and some had captured the actual moment of ejaculation. Steve played a couple of videos from one of his favourite correspondents and I watched, transfixed, as the camera panned over 10 or 12 printed colour pictures of me in various poses and outfits - on holiday in a bikini, in the garden in jeans, in my wedding dress (very popular apparently) and some riskier sex stuff. There was a short preamble as a Spanish sounding voice explained to Steve exactly what he would do with me (he called me by name) if he were ever in the same room as me and then the camera pointed down to reveal a cock so fat that the sinewy fist gripping it could not close around it.
I muttered "Jesus.." involuntarily as the Spaniard started to stroke the monster, slowly at first, al the time flicking the camera from his hardening (and lengthening) cock to the array of pictures whch I could now see were arranged under a large glass-top table.
The commentary continued as the now breathless man explained that he was "going to ram my cock into Jo's ass" and commented that I was "such a horny fucking slut".
Steve glanced across at me and I saw a double take as he noticed that my nipples were clearly very erect and my face and neck were flushed. He smiled a knowing little smile and turned the volume up, "watch this bit - it's amazing", he said.
And it was. The Spaniard stopped stroking, and his heavy breathing became obvious in the ensuing quiet as he panned over my pictures. He zoomed in on a bikini shot of my in Italy and explained that it was his favourite and was going to "get his load". Then there was some jerking around of the camera and some fumbling before, to my amazement, a small red vibrator was shown to the lens. The Spaniard twisted the bottom of it and it hummed into life. Obviously well prepared, the picture flew around crazily again as the camera was clipped onto a tripod on the floor, between his legs as he straddled it. The camera was pointing straight up at his massive cock and heavy, pendulous, hairless balls and we had a clear view as his left hand came into the picture, behind his left buttock, the buzzing vibe visible between his fingers. Slowly he parted his ass cheeks and rubbed the tip of the vibe against his asshole, moaning softly to himself and stroking his cock with his right hand. He was speaking in spanish now but I clearly heard my name about every 5th or 6th word as he bent his knees and slowly, slowly, inserted the vibe into his asshole, stroking faster as he did so.
The vibrator was very thin, but still a good 6 inches long. As his fist became a blur on his cock and his balls bounced up and down, his hips bucking to meet his own strokes, at least half of it disappeared into his asshole.
I was mesmerised, glancing down to my left I saw that Steve had a massive erection causing his shorts to bulge impressively upward, stretching the material over his cock.
The Spaniard was bucking and pumping with both hands, sweating, shouting my name. Suddenly he was still - several things happened at once as Steve and I both moaned out loud, almost simultaneously;
The note of the vibe changed as he pushed the entire remaining length fully into his asshole - so far that it wasn't visible any more, his legs locked and shook and his balls, well, it's hard to describe, but they travelled slowly upward together, the chord between them visible as they squeezed upward - literally forcing the cum out of his cock. And the cum -Christ the cum.. The process was repeated as stream after stream of it flew from his cock, thick, white. A little fell toward the camera but most of it was directed at the table above us.
When he stopped coming the only thing audible was all of our heavy breathing - although the Spaniard was panting more than breathing. As he straightened his legs the vibe fell from his now relaxed asshole where it buzzed loudly, unseen, on the floor near the camera.
After a full minute the camera was picked up and the scene on the table top became visible as he slowly panned over the damage he has inflicted to my pictures.
There was cum everywhere - most of the table had got some, but the bikini shot he had nominated was totally covered - my image drenched in his cum.
I dry swallowed as he zoomed in, closing the video by trailing his thick finger (which bore a wedding ring, I noticed) through the white, creamy mess he had deposited over me, his ragged breathing still clearly audible.
Steve immediately started a slideshow of the still pictures he had been sent of me covered in strangers cum, even as I was hiking up my nightdress, dragging his massively engorged cock out of the waistband of his shorts and straddling him, facing the screen as I slid effortlessly down onto his cock - so wet I barely felt him. We fucked watching the slideshow, images of me flicking past as I came and came again on Steve's cock until he eventually grabbed my hips, flung himself hard up into me and let go his own hot load deep inside me.
My interest in chat had been, it is safe to say, re-awakened and was shortly to lead to an amazing real time session with a total stranger, which is the subject I will pursue later today on these pages.

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