You may recall I wrote about my introduction (and Steve's) to the world of "dogging" a little while ago - and you may also recall how arousing it turned out to be for me, to the point where it became one of those things which Steve and I agreed we would definitely do again - albeit we expected that we had been lucky with our first outing and that subsequent trips to local wooded car parks may not yield quite such erotic results...
Brief backstory - it becomes relevant in a little while, so bear with me. A post earlier this week relayed to you how Steve had been flashing around a picture of me at work. Well, it went down pretty well with some of the guys, in particular one of the lorry drivers, a chap called Rob, who claimed that he would work for free for a month (I bet he wouldn't if he was offered the deal) to fuck me just once.
Now, Steve told me all about this, which I, of course, in my slightly depraved way, found quite exciting - there is nothing more erotic than being desired, particularly if you are as self-obsessed as me. By the way - you will have heard me start a sentence with the phrase "there's nothing more erotic than..." before, and you will again :-)
What Steve failed to tell me was that he had given in to Rob's pleading and provided him with more pictures of me, still, as usual, careful to avoid any showing my face as you never know where they may end up, but from what I gather there were some pretty graphic ones among them from our fairly vast collection. I did know about one further picture because I posed for it - Rob had apparently begged Steve for a shot of me in the same pose as the original picture but closer, and in colour. I was a little drunk and still high on the attention when Steve passed this request on to me so I relented and we took the photo, Steve immediately emailing it to Rob;

Encouraged by my husband, Rob kept up a steady stream of emails and texts for most of the next 24 hrs, responding to Steve's questions about what he wanted to do to me, how hard his cock was as he looked at my pictures, etc..
I was, of course, very turned on by all of this talk about me and early in the evening had already been down on Steve as he chatted in MSN messenger to Rob, making him cum and then stroking him hard again, feeling his soft cock start to twitch and grow slowly in my hand until he's stiff enough for me to straddle and put inside me - I love to do this because it means he will last much longer when we fuck.
By the time things had started to quieten down it was still only about ten at night, too late though to go out, and too early to sleep, so we settled on watching a movie before bed. Steve, however, suddenly became pre-occupied with some text message conversation he had been having and suggested I get dressed.
"What for? dressed how? where are we going?" I said, slightly sulkily as I didn't relish the thought of putting any effort into my appearance at this time of night.
"You know that guy we met a few weeks ago - gave us some good parking advice?", he was grinning, "well - he's just sent me a message, apparently there's another really good place to park that he thinks we should check out - if you're up for it...?"
Tired though I was, the memories of our first dogging adventure were (and are) fresh and sharp in my mind and I felt pin-pricks of hot excitement between my legs at the thought of it..
"Yes - I'm up for it... let me get changed - 10 minutes.." I said, climbing the stairs.
"No problem", said Steve, "I need to make a couple of calls anyway."
Upstairs I made some quick decisions standing in front of my wardrobe. It's not warm in the evenings any more so I had to come up with sexy and practical in 10 minutes flat - not easy. I settled, in the end, on a denim skirt (mid thigh), thick hold-up black stockings, a tailored black shirt which is supportive enough to allow me to get away with no bra and an ankle length winter coat in black with knee length black leather boots.
As a final thought, just before I left the room and hurried downstairs, I reached under my skirt and dragged my knickers down, leaving my just-waxed bare pussy open to the evening air - which gave me a little thrill all on it's own.
As I arrived in the hallway, Steve was waiting for me, one hand on the front door, eager to leave. He looked me up and down, whistled approvingly, smiled and held the door open for me, stroking my arse once as I walked past him to the driveway and toward the driver's door of my car.
"No love - let's take mine tonight", said Steve, unlocking his enormous 7 seat Mercedes thing. "More room", he added.
I clambered up into the passenger seat of the car and we set off.
"How far is it tonight?", I asked.
"Oh - about 10 minutes at this time of night - I'm looking forward to it - are you?"
"Yes", I said, simply - looking out of the window, again recalling the first time we had done this. I felt Steve drop his hand onto my inner thigh and push up under my skirt, reaching my naked pussy he grinned and said, "fuck - you really are, aren't you?", as he wiped his now wet fingers on my coat and returned them to the steering wheel.
Very soon we were on unlit country roads and Steve slowed down at every minor turn, staring intently at the road name on the sign. After a mile or so of this he braked hard and swung down a tiny lane - only passable one way at a time - and turned the high-beam headlights on.
The road was unmade and we bumped along, having to slow down to a crawl every now and then, until eventually we saw a set of metal gates and a horizontal height restriction pole up ahead - the gates stood open and Steve stopped just outside, flashed his headlamps on and off three times, got a corresponding series of flashes from the darkness 50 yards or so in front of us and drove slowly into the car park.
"That was all very organised", I commented.
"Yeah", said Steve, "They're a bit paranoid about the old bill up here so they have this little recognition system. once the last lot are here they lock the gate and the fun starts, apparently.."
We parked, as before, at the edge of the car park - facing towards the middle. There were perhaps a dozen other cars there and a few more arrived shortly after we turned off our engine. Steve suggested that he and I get in the back of our car - I had a strong suspicion that his reason for bringing his car was the ability to fold the seats flat in the back to make a bed-sized empty space, and was expecting him to start clunking around with the seats as we clambered over to the rear of the car. Steve left the seats arranged as they were, however, in their normal upright position, and we sat and waited.
As my eyes grew accustomed to the dark I could clearly see the occupants of the vehicles on our immediate left and right. On our left was a family sized saloon with 4 men of about 18 - 25 and one older, middle aged woman - all laughing like drains but occasionally stopping to have a look around them in an expectant manner. The woman was not unattractive and smiled a couple of times when I caught her eye, but I couldn't help thinking it was an odd combination for a car load of doggers.
On our right was a small soft-top sports car with an older, perhaps early fifties, couple in it. They were staring fixedly straight ahead and not talking to each other or anyone else.
I heard a clank and some rattling of chain which made me jump. "That's it", said Steve, "gate's been shut".
"When do people sta...", the question I was about to ask became moot as in the darkness bright interior lights were being turned on, and shadows could be seen moving purposefully between cars - the clunk of doors clearly audible, as well as the odd voice or giggle.
I looked to my left, expecting the car full of lads to be scattered to the four winds, but they were all just sitting there, with the older woman, looking back at me.
Over on our right, meanwhile, I did an almost comedy double take as I glanced at the staid older couple to find her already out of the car, bent over the bonnet with her outsretched hands clamped onto the windscreen wipers and her trousers swinging around one ankle as a rather tubby young man pounded into her from behind - occasionally pulling her head back by her hair to make her stare straight into the face of her husband - still sitting in the drivers seat of the car. I could tell that he was enjoing himself too, however, from his clearly visible arm movements as he wanked himself off watching her.
Several other men had gathered around this spectacle to watch, some with the clear intent of taking their turn, if the lady was willing, and she certainly was, telling them to "get in line" and "keep those cocks hard" like some sort of kinky head mistress.
Steve had placed his hand on my upper thigh again, and was slowly working upwards towards my pussy - I was slowly parting my legs to accomodate his fingers as he reached higher. Sitting there in the dark, his hand on my leg, put me in mind of one of my favourite erotic episodes which happened some years ago, completely unplanned and unexpectedly. Steve and I were sitting in the cinema, watching some action film, when out of the blue the guy next to me, a total stranger, put his hand on my leg and started stroking it. I jumped a little and turned my head just enough so that I could see the guy was a very normal looking bloke, sitting with his other arm draped around his wife / girlfriend's shoulders - both of them staring straight ahead at the screen.
Because I'm a slut, and because I like things in my life to write about, I didn't move his hand. Encouraged, he slowly, slowly, moved his hand further and further up my legs to rest lightly on my crotch. I was excited but thought that this was probably as far as things were going to go. Steve had other ideas. He'd noticed the intruder's hand sneaking up my leg and now, slowly, stealthily, he moved his hand up my other leg and grabbed the stranger's hand just as he realised and was trying to snatch it away, knowing he was caught. Steve, however, held his hand tight and pushed it back down onto my crotch, his own hand on top of the stranger's. Once he was certain the guy had got the message, Steve released his hand and reached up under my jumper, unbuttoning my the fly of my jeans, one slow button at a time.
When my flies were fully undone Steve pulled my flies as open as was possible and literally picked up the strangers's had and pushed it inside my knickers, onto my by now very wet pussy.
I wasn't far off anyway, but what Steve did next made me cum instantly. Like a teacher showing someone how to play a guitar, Steve took the stranger's index finger between his own thumb and forefinger and, holding it by the knuckle, gently bent and pushed it inside my pussy.
For the next 45 minutes Steve and the stranger, who we never spoke to or saw again, took it in turns to finger - fuck me to orgasm after orgasm, occasionally with both of them inside me at once.
I was so busy pondering all of this that the knock on the left window of the car - nearest me - made me jump a little. I pressed the button and dropped the window when I saw it was the lady from the car full of lads on my left.
"Hi!", she said, excitedly, "I'm Lynn - is this your first time? It's my first time.."
"Hi Lynn, Jo and Steve", I replied, "no - we've been before, just the once and not here, but we had a great time.."
"Oh, I see, only, well, the lads", (at this she gestured towards the four faces looking at us from her car), "the lads were all wondering if you were going to, you know, do anything tonight 'cos they saw you arrive and get in the back and they all think you're fit..."
Lynn said this last bit with a grimace at the use of the word "fit". I was a bit thrown and told her so - I had assumed they were there with her, or she with them, or...
"Well", Lynn continued, "these 4 are all friends of my son, believe it or not. My son's in the army and away but this lot still come round regularly to see me and his dad and, well, he doesn't know but I've had one or two little flings with some of them over the years and, anyway, thing is they've all been talking about this place for months, pulling my leg about what happens up here and saying they were going to bring me up here - I thought it was all a load of rubbish but, well, long story short - here we are, and I'm now not sure what to do, but I said I'd ask you their question".
This string of words came at Steve and I with such speed and force it felt like it had been fired a us from an automatic weapon, but no, the same petite, attractive middle aged woman was standing there smiling through the window at us.
"Erm...", I said, glancing over her shoulder at the four hopeful young faces, "I'm not really sure what I'm going to do tonight myself - I may just watch, or Steve and I - ", I looked at Steve and paused, waiting for him to interject and help me out.
"Tell them", said Steve, "that Jo will fuck two of them if you fuck the other two, next to her, on the bonnet of my car."
I looked at Steve, lost for words, but quite aroused at his assertion of control over me, using me like something in his power to grant or deny to others. I looked back at Lynn.
Lynn said, simply, quickly, "deal!", and hurried back to her car, already starting to explain to the boys as she walked.
Steve and I had a short, but not particularly serious, argument about who was calling the shots, and he offered to call it off and take me home there and then.
Leaning over, I kissed him hard on the mouth, said "a deal's a deal honey", and got out of the car.
Lynn and the four lads met me half-way between their car and ours and I was introduced, although I don't remember any of their names. They were all pretty good looking, one of them was very tall and the others of average height and build, and they all looked nervous, but expectant and excited as well.
"So - what's the decision - who get's who?", I asked, horny now, and wanting to fuck.
"Well", said Lynn, "it's these two - ", indicating the tall guy and one of the others, "who've had me before, so it seems best if I take the other two?". She leaned close to me and, nodding at the shorter of "my" two, whispered, "his cock is fucking enormous love - honest, you won't be disappointed.."
Size has never really mattered to me - sex is all in the mind after all - but I must admit I was a little fascinated so I took the hand of the boy she indicated and led him to the our car. Turning my back to him I placed my hands on the bonnet and looked through the windscreen straight into the eyes of Steve, who had moved to the driver's seat.
I spread my legs and said "come on then, fuck me", over my shoulder. There was a pause, some fumbling and noises of zips and condom wrappers being opened and then I felt hands on my upper thighs, pulling my skirt up to my waist under my coat. I shuffled my position, raising my arse as I felt the warm head of his cock searching between my legs for my opening. After several attempts, however, it was obvious that a bit of stage fright had set in and he wasn't hard enough to enter me.
I turned to face him, spread my legs wide around his and sank to my haunches so that my face was level with his crotch. I stopped and stared for a few seconds - the thing was huge - soft and hangiing limply out of his flies it must have been 7 inches long, and as thick as my wrist. I really have never seen one that big before and I was transfixed.
I was aware of him mumbling apologies and saying that this never usually happened to him, it was cold and people were watching etc.. I made soothing noises and took as much of it as I could into my mouth, stretching my lips to accomodate it. He groaned with pleasure and started, after a couple of minutes, to grow a little harder. By this time Lynn was on her back next to me on the car bonnet, he legs wrapped round one of the other guys as he rammed his cock into her shaved pussy, grunting like a pig and grabbing at her clothes, tearing her shirt and exposing her tits.
I took his cock out of my mouth for a second to say "just watch them - imagine it's a porno and you're going to wank this thing off".
The live sex show seemed to do the trick as before long I was having to half stand to keep the end of his cock in my mouth, and when I considered it hard enough and popped my mouth off of it he was pointing straight at the stars.
I vaguely remember that we had drawn a fairly large crowd by this stage and I turned my back to him once more, my pussy now very, very wet.
There was no fumbling this time - he slid straight into me and as he locked his knees mine buckled - I swear that he lifted me an inch off the ground and still I couldn't feel his balls against my arse - it still wasn't all in.
As he started to thrust into me I moaned loudly and came - looking into my husband's eyes through the screen of his car. The lad established a rythm to match the guy who was pounding Lynn a foot to our right, they were making comments to each other about how good each of our pussy's felt - although they were using the word "cunt".
Lynn was breathing very hard and saying "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" over and over - she reached across the bonnet and grabbed my hand, squeezing it like a woman in labour as she came hard on the young man's cock - triggering me to do the same again.
I saw Steve's arm working fast as he stared intently at the scene in front of him and I knew he had his cock in his hand. Evidently other onlookers were doing the same as I could hear appreciative comments and the occasional grunt or moan as someone came. I felt cum hit the side of my face and run off over the polished metal of the car bonnet, and hands belonging to God knows how many men were pulling my coat up, running over my thighs and arse. There were shouts of encouragement for the guy fucking me and I knew he was getting close.
Sure enough he shouted "FUCK!" just once and held me still against his cock - I could actually feel the sides of it pumping against my stretched pussy lips as he filled the condom inside me.
He withdrew from me wih a "plopping" noise and I collapsed onto the bonnet - allowing those many hands to closer inspect and explore me - several fingers slipped inside me, someone got on his knees between my legs and quickly, noisily licked me to another orgasm.
I asked Lynn, who by now had come several times herself and was busily wiping her second lad's cum from her bare chest, where my second cock was. "Oh - he went off a bit premature I think, honey - he came in your hair watching I think.." she giggled..
I pushed myself up from the bonnet on shaky arms, only to feel myself pushed firmly back down again so that my face was once again on the cold steel. Simultaneously a foot was firmly tapping my ankles further apart. I gasped as someone mounted me, pushing their cock all the way into me in one motion - truly like a dog mounting a bitch - and started fucking me frantically immediately, breathing hard and fast above me.
I heard Steve next to me on the left, and turned my face to see him standing close to me at the side of the car, his erect cock in his hand.
"Jo", he said, casually, "meet Rob from work - Rob, you're fucking Jo, my wife."
Sex is, as I said, all in the mind, and the sudden clarity that all this had been set up so that Rob could fuck me made me come harder than ever before.
Rob came quickly, inside me, with Steve encouraging him all the time to be "harder, faster, deeper", and to "go on - use her - cum in her", and then Steve stepped behind me and emptied his load as well.
As I think I mentioned before - I will be doing this again...
My new friend Lynn;

What a great story! I love the pics too, especially the one of you being fucked on the bonnet of Steve's Merc. I bet you are worth a months wages too! I wish I worked for Steve!
:-) glad you enjoyed it Peter... I'd make sure you weren't charged, however!
Jesus! What a great time you had. I am totally envious as I have never been dogging before.
My heart is in my mouth while typing and I can feel myself hard through my RAF trousers.
So well written, You are indeed a sexy lady......insatiable!
I need to sort myeslf out......
Ooh... a man in uniform, a HARD man in uniform.. ;-)
Well This is another fantastic erotic dogging post. I have my cock in my hand right now,!!!
I'm glad this post did it for you, Merlin.
Wow what a very arousing account of your adventure.Can;t wait to read more.
Thankyou very much for your comment, Anna Louise. Sorry it took a while for me to notice you'd left it - I get sooooo easily distracted!
I appreciate it
Sexy fun!
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