As I mentioned in my last post, I recently experienced a mind-blowing orgasm (and several little ones if I'm honest) in the middle of the day, surrounded by 13 business colleagues, and I've been looking forward very much to telling you about it.
I have been back at work part time since my injury and had agreed to go into the office for a budget planning session as it is extremely difficult to get all the interested parties together and it had been arranged for this date for several months. I was actually going a bit stir-crazy at home and so it was with a bit of a spring in my step that I got into the cab sent by my employer to collect me. I was particularly glowing because Steve and I are going through a phase of fucking first thing in the morning - immediately after the alarm wakes us, and this morning was no exception. Before I had even opened my eyes I felt Steve's hands on my thighs, pushing my legs apart, running his tongue quickly up my warm legs to my pussy. I always wake up horny, and Steve always wakes up hard, so I wasted no time at all in coming in his mouth and pushing him away so I could kneel and turn my back to him. Steve put his hands on my shoulders and pushed his rock-hard cock between my legs. With only a few seconds of fumbling his cock slipped easily into my wet pussy and he started thrusting into me. I had not been into work for a while and Steve was quite excited about the prospect - as he fucked me he was talking loudly behind me, bending closer occasionally to speak directly into my ear, saying stuff like, "Wear something hot today - low neckline, tight skirt, let those guys at your office see what they've missed, see what they want.....God... that's it baby....give them something to remember for later...when they've got their cocks in their hands...I want them to close their eyes and see you when they come....make sure they get a good look....fuck...yeah - give them something to make them hard....Jesus - I'm....Gonna......uurggghh Fuck...."
With that I felt the familiar, delicious pumping of Steve's cock inside me, and the jumping of his balls pressed tight against my arse as he shot his warm load into me.
20 Minutes later I was out of the shower and dressing in front of him as he lay, still naked, on the bed. Steve helped me choose my outfit - tailored black blouse, three buttons open so my cleavage was prominent, black lace bra with the top of the cup just visible, black French knickers and black hold-up stockings under a grey pencil - line skirt, just above the knee.
Steve's approval was obvious - I glanced at him in the mirror as I was rushing to finish my makeup and he was slowly stroking his hard-again cock as he watched me. I turned and smiled at him; "Sorry babe - you're gonna have to take care of that yourself this time - I'm late!"
"No problem", he chuckled, "you know I can deal with this myself - but I'm going to leave it till a bit later, and I'm going to make sure I tell you all about it.."
Steve knows I love that kind of kinky stuff and so I knew to expect a dirty phone call or text message at some point later in the day, which I was already looking forward to.
I heard the cab hooting it's horn outside, picked up my laptop, kissed Steve and his cock and hurried out the door.
At the office I enjoyed taking my time as I strolled to my desk, exchanging pleasantaries with people I hadn't seen in a while and catching up with the gossip, as well as making sure I took the normal notice of any guys I caught checking me out, however fleetingly, as I knew I would be expected to give Steve the details when I got home. I was surprised at the level of male attention today - perhaps it was because I had been away for a few weeks, or maybe I still had an invisible aura of sex around me from the earlier session with Steve - whatever it was I was pleased to catch several guys sneaking a look down my top and particularly a couple of junior graduates who very deliberately (and obvsiously) stood behind me in the lift so they could check out my arse without fear of discovery. This ploy would have worked had I not been in that situation before and therefore I knew exactly where to stand so I could get a pretty decent image of them reflected in the highly - polished metal strip which surrounds the lift doors.
While staring straight ahead into space I clearly saw guy 1 nudge guy 2 and nod discretely toward my arse. Guy 2 followed his gaze, glanced back at his friend and then they both grinned, spending the whole of the next minute or so we were together staring fixedly at my backside. I knew that they would be able to trace the outline of my knickers through this skirt with their eyes, and I knew that's exactly what they were doing. I hoped they were fantasising about fucking me - I toyed with the idea of turning round and asking them, or staying with my back to them and slowly shuffling my skirt to the floor so they could get a better view - maybe one day when the lift is slower :-)
Horny little tart that I am, and, of course, more than a little self-obsessed, I confess that as I finally arrived at my desk and sat down to organise my laptop I was a little damp between the legs, and more than a little distracted, which is why I jumped slightly, startled, as Tim appeared at my shoulder with a cheery "Welcome back", and sat on the edge of my desk.
Tim is one of those guys every office has - young for his 40 - odd years, successful, well dressed, tall and fit. He's got a charming smile and a naughty sense of humour and is well liked by pretty much everyone, male and female alike. Time is often the subject of girly gossip as he is a career singleton and never stays with the same girl for long - tending to appear at company functions with a very different woman to the last one we met, whom someone will always call by the wrong, long defunct name. Tim is also a target for certain of my female colleagues, who take any and every opportunity to throw themselves at him, which, to my knowledge, he has so far resisted.
Tim is not averse to giving me the odd appraising glance, however, and he was doing so now as he had a clear view straight down my partially open blouse from the elevated position in which he was sitting. He tried to keep his eyes on mine as we chatted but he seemed to be finding it almost impossible and his stare kept falling to my cleavage.
Mischievously I stood so that my tits were directly level with his face, and about 4 inches away from him, turned my back and bent, a little too slowly to be natural, from my waist to plug my laptop into the power socket under my desk.
Tim stopped speaking and as I straightened and turned to face him he seemed a little lost - his eyes were still fixed on the spot where my arse had been seconds before and I had to speak louder to snap him out of his little trance. I made sure to remember every detail of his face to relay to Steve later on. When I told Steve that evening, I was still wearing the same outfit and Steve insisted on carrying out a reconstruction so he would know what Tim had seen. I sat at the kitchen table and Steve sat on it, next to me, and looked down my blouse. "Mmmmm", Said Steve, "beautiful... he could see the swell of your tits, the top of your bra - the lacy part...oh - nice...and a little of your nipples, if they were hard like they are now - were they hard?"
They were.
The next hour or so passed uneventfully as I caught up with some paper work and drank too much coffee and then it was time to join the all afternoon budget meeting. I picked up my mug and laptop and went upstairs to the board room - the only meeting space large enough to accomodate so many people at once. I was amongst the first to arrive and so managed to claim the prime spot - head of the table with my back to the floor to ceiling window. Getting this place in these meetings is very important - it means you can do other work or surf the net when things get deadly boring without fear of someone overlooking you. As I sat and set myself up on the wireless network a steady stream of people entered the room, messed around getting coffee, chatted and looked disappointed that all the good seats had gone. It was a good 10 minutes till we were all settled and quiet and the Finance Director, for whom everyone else had reserved the other "top chair" opposite me at the far end of the long table, cleared his throat and welcomed everyone, starting the meeting.
My contribution to the meeting was, as luck would have it, pretty much over with in the first hour, so I could relax a little as the others got grilled in turn. I put on my serious face, as if concentrating on a business problem which really could not wait to be dealt with, and started messing around on the internet on my laptop.
After a few minutes an MSN messenger window popped up - it was Steve on his home account. I save logs of all my chat conversations by default, so I am able to reproduce everything we said to each other with complete accuracy. I have changed our nicknames, but other than that it's as it happened;
Steve: hi! what you doing?
Jo: hi you - meeting...yawn
Steve: sounds dull...i've come home - dull at my office too.. :-)
Jo: it's a wonder you ever make any money - who's gonna keep me in shoes?
Steve: lol - you have enough shoes, if not borrow some of mine
Jo: yuck. no thanks. what you up to then?
Steve: you know, this and that..
Jo: ?
Steve: thinking about you...
Jo: ohhhh... naughty man :-)
Steve: gotta do something when you're not around.. :-)
Jo: i'd love to hear about it, but i'm in a meeting :-(
Steve: so?
Jo: so - i'm busy.
Steve: i'm very hard
Jo: stop it
Steve: really, really hard. i've got some of your knickers in my hand
Jo: really steve - i'm gonna go offline
Steve: up to you, but i'm still gonna type - you don't have to answer
At this point I realised someone had asked me for some input into something and was forced to get the question repeated. I didn't look at the screen while I was talking for the next couple of minutes, and at one point I had to stand, move the length of the room and point at something behind the FD, written on a white board, before returning to my seat.
Attention moved away from me again and I looked back at my screen, feeling the unmistakeable wetness start to spread into my knickers as I read the following;
Steve: i bet there are men there
Steve: looking at you, wanting you. i bet you've seen them looking today haven't you?
Steve: i know it makes you wet to think about it. i feel how wet you get when i talk about men checking you out - you get soaked and come really hard if i tell you while i finger you
Steve: you looked so good this morning. i've already cum on my own once today - before i left for the office i lay on the bed with my eyes closed and stroked myself till i came on my chest, thinking about you
Steve: then at the office i got hard again and started asking a couple of the drivers what they thought of your picture
Jo: that bikini one on your desk?
Steve: no
Oh God - which picture was he talking about? the thought was exciting and a little concerning at the same time - I really didn't want some of the pictures Steve has, with my face visible in particular, to enter circulation..
Jo: STEVE - which one?
Steve: the one the boy sent to me :-)
I relaxed a little - now far more excited than concerned. I knew precisely which picture he was talking about - during a memorable afternoon with a young guy Steve set me up with, he had taken a picture of me bent over, braced and ready for his cock, and sent it to Steve - it had been pre-agreed apparently and Steve often talks about how he nearly blew his load in his trousers when he received it. My face is not visible.
It's an explicit picture, however, and Steve had shown it to a couple of lorry drivers at his firm..
This is it;

Jo: omg! what did they say?
Steve: :-)
Jo: ?
Steve: one of them said he'd work for free for a month to fuck you, the other asked if he could borrow the picture
Jo: did you give it to him?
Steve: gave them both a copy and they both disappeared straight away
Steve: you know what they were doing with it?
Jo: tell me
Steve: they had their cocks out, in their hands, on their knees in the toilet cubicle, your picture in front of them on the floor - stroking their cocks as hard as they could, staring at your arse until they shot their cum all over you, wishing it was inside you. i bet they'll fuck their wives hard tonight with that picture of you in their minds, eyes closed, seeing you beneath them
Steve knows that this sort of talk always gets me very wet and I had to pause for a second to look around me.. no-one seemed to have noticed my mental absence from the room or my red face and (to me) loud breathing. I got up, filled my coffee mug and sat down.
Steve: any of those guys been looking at you?
Jo: a little - got coffee just now and got a couple of looks. Tim looked down my blouse earlier
Steve: you know that statistically it's certain that some of those guys in there with you are hard
I almost gasped a little at this - but he was right, we'd talked about it at length and there was bound to be, somewhere in this room, at least one big, hard cock at this exact moment.
This was getting a little out of hand - I was seriously wet now and wriggling a little in my chair, worried that when I stood up a dark damp patch might be visible on my grey skirt.
Jo: really horny, wet. gonna leave here and call you
Steve: NO
Jo: ?
Steve: stay there
Steve: cum with me
Steve: there
Oh God - this was seriously exciting..
Jo: what if someone sees?
Steve: good. even better
I glanced around the room. Everyone was paying rapt attention to the FD, or at least pretending to - I probably should have been as well but they all seemed to have accepted that I was doing something very important or I wouldn't have been doing it during this meeting, an impression which suited me fine.
Jo: ok tell me
Steve: :-) good girl. i have your red satin knickers in my hand, rubbing them up and down my cock. my cock is very hard cos i've been thinking about you, and what those guys in there want to do to you. i have some pictures of you spread around in front of me - guys with cocks in you, you with cum on you...
Jo: mmmm i love when you look at them and wank
Steve: i'm stroking a little faster now - my cock is as big as it ever gets and my balls ache. i'm still wearing my suit and have my trousers down over my thighs
Steve: open your legs under the table
Steve: so that if anyone looked under there they could see your wet knickers
I did as he asked, having to discretely hike my skirt up a little to allow my knees to fully part under the table. I felt the cool breeze from the air-con playing over my wet crotch and a further trickle ran out of my pussy.
Steve: all those guys want you like i want you. imagine they just stopped talking, came over and lifted you onto the table on all fours
Jo: God - yes...
Steve: see - you want them too, you little slut!
Jo: yes, yes i want them
Steve: and then, one at a time, they line up behind you and fuck you, emptying their cum into you until you're so full it runs out of you and makes a pool of cum on the table between your knees
Jo: yes
Steve: all of them, one after another, pushing their hard cocks into your pussy and emptying their balls into you - would you like that?
Jo: yes
Steve: do you want that?
Jo: yes i do
Steve you're such a slut.... fuck....stroking faster....faster....oh GOD
Jo: mmmmmm cum for me....i'm gonna...
As I typed the words I was feeling very, very turned on, but I wasn't expecting to actually orgasm - I hadn't been touching myself at all yet I felt the sure beginnings of contractions inside my pussy, little squirts of my cum hitting the tight crotch of my knickers.. I had a truly delicious moment where I knew I could have stopped it - focused on my breathing, controlled myself, calmed down....
But I let it happen.
My orgasm was intense - several waves washed over me as my head went a little fuzzy and colours in the room brightened. I forced myself not to close my legs or drop a hand to my crotch, meaning that tiny jets of my cum made my knickers so wet that I could feel juices running over my thighs to soak into the (thankfully) fabric chair.
After a couple of minutes I regained enough composure to type a little;
Jo: wow.
Steve: yeah... you came?
Jo: yu-huh :-)
Steve: fuck - that's gonna make me hard again :-)
Jo: omg - well I AM going then! see you when I get home - save some x
Needless to say, when I did get home we had yet another wild night recounting the events of the day - Steve remembers a lot of details but he has taken to reading this blog regularly to see how I recall things - and, crucially, he really loves reading any feedback I get..
I hope you enjoyed this entry - let me know :-)
That was superb - I've missed you Jo. You are one horny bitch!!!
I bet those two drivers loved that pic as much I do. You have a great arse and lovely thighs and who wouldn't want to make good use of that pussy?
:-) Thanks Peter - you're very kind and I'm glad you enjoyed the entry. More very soon.
I got very aroused reading.............mmmmmmmmmmmmm
My office is very lonely lol
Great pictures and fab bum too!
JJ x
Thankyou, and welcome! :-) x
Hi thats was a great post.
Loved it so erotic and it made me so hard!
Just shows you the power of our minds and desires to orgasm without actually being touched
:-) Quite - thanks for the feedback Merlin
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