One thing's for sure, I would have gone crazy a long time before now if not for my friends Brad and Antonio (see earlier post for picture). While I was laid up in France Steve smuggled little Antonio in for a prolonged visit and he kept me very amused for days - helped relieve the tension to some degree.
Since being granted my freedom I have re-acquainted myself firmly with Brad, in fact he is about as close to me as it is possible to be as I type this, another reason it's being written in chunks!
I should explain that I find writing this blog to be a very erotic experience in itself - it forces me to re-live moments of my life in great detail and sends me off into a little fantasy world all of my own, so I never, ever, manage to finish an entry without masturbating, which I hope may be of interest to some of you.
There is very little to tell you about this latest trip - I was there for a day and broke my arm - oh - I did suck Steve's cock in a cable car, but that's not blogging material :-) so I thought I'd share the story of my last ski-ing trip, a while back now, where some blog - worthy adventures did happen;
As is often the case when Steve and I go on holiday, we arranged this trip to Canada with friends. We really enjoy travelling as a group and it means we can afford nicer accommodation if it's split between more of us. On this trip there were 6 of us - Daniel and Siobahn and Marcus and Liz, me and Steve.
We had rented a picture-postcard beautiful lodge for 1o days and were delighted when it turned out to look exactly as it did on the internet - it's always a bit nerve-making until you see the place for the first time but we certainly weren't disapppointed. There were more than enough bedrooms for us all and originally we were going to take a floor each, but as it turned out the top floor had the three largest bedrooms, all with balconies, so we all ended up sleeping up there with the middle floor unused and the communal areas and kitchen down on the ground level. There was a massive open fire in the very middle of the lounge around which the huge, comfy sofas were arranged.
Practially as soon as we arrived - mid afternoon - we organised ourselves and got out on the slopes to get back in practice for a couple of hours. I hadn't skied for quite a while and Daniel and Siobhan were novices so we had to maximise our time on skis to make the most of it.
After a couple of hours the sun started to set and it was getting really cold - snow, thick, brilliant white flakes - started to fall just as we got back to the lodge and flopped down on the sofas to stare into that wonderful fire. It really couldn't have been prettier - from where I lay I could see the snow falling outside through a floor to ceiling window, lit brightly by the outside lamps. Drinks flowed and the conversation was bright and funny.
We were on the topic of dreams, having started on sleep patterns, snoring and nightmares, and Siobahn had blurted out that Daniel frequently had "wet" dreams, at the age of 35. Much hilarity ensued as the other men admitted that it happened to them occasionally still too - but Daniel seemed to have the biggest "problem" by far..
"How often is "frequently"?" I asked Daniel.
"There's no point asking him", said Siobahn, "half the time he doesn't even wake up - just wakes me up with his moaning and shouting, does his thing - sometimes some of it goes on me I might add - then he's off to sleep again"
"So, how often?", I was chuckling at her mock outrage..
"Once, twice a night...", she answered.
"WHAT! Every Night!?", I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
To general hilarity Siobahn confirmed that these nocturnal ejaculations were a nightly occurence and it had led to her sometimes sleeping in a seperate room when they were at home, but for the purpose of the holiday she had come prepared - with ear plugs.
Further investigation of this ailment was justified and poor Daniel had to explain the whole thing to this bunch of drunken idiots in great detail. We learned that he rarely remembered what he had been dreaming about to make him cum in his sleep (Siobahn muttered, "yeah - thanks a lot", at this) and it had been happening ever since he was 13 years old, regular as clockwork. As he got drunker he admitted that it got worse if he had not had sex for a while with Siobhan or he had seen a woman on TV or in a magazine who he found particularly arousing (I noted he was careful not to mention whether meeting actual women he fancied had the same effect).
In fact it was, it seemed, more unusual for Daniel to wake up with no dry cum on his tummy and chest than to do so, and they had just both got used to it.
"Jesus - I'd take advantage of that, Siobahn, girl", laughed Liz.
Daniel and Siobahn exchanged a quick glance then looked studiously away from each other.
"What?", persisted Liz, "OOH - you dirty thing - you DO don't you?"
Siobahn spoke again to quell the building noise from all quarters; "Once, just once, I woke up as Daniel was murmuring and moaning - it was summer so we were not covered by bedclothes. He was lying on his back and his, you know, he was, well, erect - and I, well, I got onto it...and.."
The room had dissolved into hysterical laughter, Daniel was grinning from ear to ear and Siobahn was going a brighter shade of red than that justified by the fire.
"BUT!", Siobahn raised her voice to be heard, "BUT! - I never did it again.. because just as I was starting to enjoy myself, he shouted out someone else's name - and came!"
The room erupted again, but I could see, laughing with the others though I was, that Siobahn didn't find this last bit anywhere near as funny as anyone else, and I knew for sure that it had been a source of tension between them.
An hour or so later we all retired to our rooms. Steve and I gave each other blow jobs - our name for reciprocal oral sex, something we love to do instead of penetrative sex when the mood is right. It was my turn to go last, Steve had been sitting with his back to the bedroom wall while I stood over him and ground my pussy into his face for the best part of an hour - holding my arse with his hands he knew instinctively when my orgasm was approaching each time and pulled me tighter to him, speeding up the circular motions of his tongue as I came in his mouth. I always feel a little sorry for Steve - although he claims he loves seeing me cum more than he likes to cum himself - as, like tonight, I had cum many times, some little, some huge orgasms building up in waves so that when they finally hit Steve had to strain to support me for a few seconds and I pushed most of my weight onto my hands on the top of his head as my legs shook and strained.
When I was done and it was my turn to be "giver" I knelt slowly between Steve's legs and put my right hand under his balls. With my left on his cock, slowly stroking it all the while, I guided the tip of it between my lips and into my mouth.
Savouring, as always, the hot, almost rubbery texture of the end of his cock for a few seconds, I gradually allowed my mouth to sink down over it until he was touching the opening of my throat - I long ago learned how to suppress my gag reflex - and my face was buried in his pubic hair at the very base of his cock.
I stayed motionless for long minutes, gently massaging his balls as he breathed deep, exhaling through his mouth, trying to keep control. As I started to move on his shaft again his breathing became ragged, noisier. I heard a rythymic thumping against the wall and felt Steve stiffen. Thinking he was thrashing his head about I looked up, but he was motionless, staring at me.
I stopped moving, his cock still deep in my mouth, and we looked at each other with sudden realisation - what we could hear was the headboard in Liz and Marcus's room next door, thumping against our wall.
As we listened we could also make out voices - Liz mainly, with the occasional lower pitch of Marcus in an assenting tone. The thumping speeded up and was joined by the creak of springs in time with the movement - They were fucking, no doubt about it. Steve and I continued to look into each other's eyes - this was very exciting for both of us. Steve reached forward and pushed a hand between my thighs, slipping a finger inside my wet pussy he started to finger fuck me as I began moving on his cock again. Liz was talking - a little louder now - but the frustration was that although we could hear she was breathless and excited, we couldn't make out what she was saying - it was agony.
Gently, Steve pushed me away and stood up. He pressed his ear to the wall, listening intently. Then he moved to the door, preceded by his rock - hard cock, and slowly, gently, opened it a fraction. There was near darkness out on the landing. Siobahn and Daniel's door, opposite us, was firmly closed and no light was coming from within. I stood close behind Steve, naked as well, as he carefully opened the door fully. We could mke out the voices a lot more clearly now and for a few long seconds we just stood and listened, shivering more from excitement than the cold.
Marcus was just grunting and making affirmitive statements really, but we could make out much more of what Liz was saying - those first snippets were very close to this;
"Fuck - she looked like such a little slut with that maid outfit on... she looked right at you...oh jesus...she wanted you to fuck her...would you fuck her?... I bet you would....did you see her arse?... lovely...she must...oh...she must have been nineteen or twenty...she wanted this cock in her Marcus....just like this...riding it like this...little whore...."
Now, all of this was said in a kind of whispered shout, which I'm sure, behind the heavy oak door of their bedroom, Liz considered inaudible to anyone but the pair of them, and had we not been alerted by the headboard banging on our wall then it may well have been the case. This, however, was incredible - Liz and Marcus's sexual fantasies, right there in front of us..
I had moved very close to their door and could now hear every word. As I listened, Steve slowly took my right wrist and placed my hand on the right-hand door frame, then put my left on the left upright, so if he had pushed me I would have hit their door with my face.
Fortunately pushing wasn't what he had in mind. I felt his knees between mine and I opened my legs and stood on tip toes as he bent his thighs and slipped his cock into my dripping wet pussy from below and behind. I gasped a little, involuntarily , as he straightened his legs and pushed all the way into me. We both froze, but needn't have worried - the occupants of the room were far too pre-occupied to notice.
Steve started to move inside me, his hands on my hips, and we fucked gently and slowly so we could hear everything Liz was saying;
"GOD...YES....I'm gonna ask her tomorrow....yes...I'm gonna ask her to fuck you, or blow you...I'll offer her money...she..oh God...she's such a fucking little's it..and you're gonna cum....cum - inside her - or over her - no - inside her cunt - FUCK I'm gonna, I'm gonna...OH, OH, OH....."
As Liz came both Steve and I closed our eyes and pictured it - obviously we both had good imaginations because just as my orgasm shivered through me I felt his cock starting to pump and he stopped moving, holding himself as deep inside me as he could as he let go stream after stream of cum.
We tip-toed back to our room and closed the door, conscious of the new silence which had fallen. We re-lived the whole thing in bed, whispering ideas for who Liz had been talking about to each other - we both realised it must be the maid who looked after our lodge - she had been in to build the fires, wearing a traditional grey pleat dress and white pinafore - she was young and local and quite attractive, but not notably so, but it was her Liz was fantasising about for sure. The only odd thing was that as far as either of us could remember, Marcus hadn't even seen her - he was out when she arrived and she left before his return..
We were very excited - we had an intrigue to solve, and an erotic one - our favourite type..
Well, my wrist is really aching now, so I'm sure you'll forgive me if I complete this over the next couple of days - believe me I am looking forward to it very much - I have been making some notes and am, slightly ridiculously, very turned on by the memories of that time...
Glad to be back - more soon
The lovely Liz:

This is the first time I read your blog, very sexy. :)
thankyou maxim :-)
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