Thursday 30 October 2008

A request from Steve..

Hi everyone,

Firstly, thankyou very much for your lovely comments in response to my latest entry - I can promise you that I enjoyed writing it just as much as you seem to have enjoyed reading it :-)

This morning I received an email from a reader containing a picture which Steve was very excited about - the guy in question had photographed himself coming over a picture of me - my picture was under what looked to be a glass table and his thick white cum was all over the table on top of it. Steve immediately printed it off and disappeared to the bathroom with it - virtually sharing me is how he put it :-)

So, if anyone else feels like doing the same, together with any sordid little details of what you were thinking about at the time, then Steve would like to hear from you - send me an email or post here and I will make sure he sees it. I must admit that the more I think about it, the more aroused it is making me as well...

In the meantime, a recent picture to get you in the mood - anyone want to hear the story behind this one? (the cock does not belong to my husband, by the way....)

Thanks in advance loyal readers :-)



The sensual stranger said...


Honey I could just Lick you now!


Merlin7 said...

WOW great photo

I will see what I can do with your request!!

Peter C said...

Jo, yes please, do tell who's cock this is.

doherf said...

It belongs to a guy called either Nico or Rico, I can't remember which - who we met at a friends wedding. This shot was taken by him and the location is the reception venue...

Peter C said...

You naughty girl!

doherf said...

:-) it wasn't that memorable, actually - I was quite drunk... You'll notice the wood under my arse though? top table. (much after it had all been cleared, obviously)...

Mr.z said...

i give you my milk :)